While it’s important to be able to obtain affordable aerial imagery, it’s also important to…

MapSavvy: The Ideal, Affordable Web Mapping Service for Small Businesses
When small businesses need affordable aerial imagery, they need a web mapping service for small businesses that provide the aerial imagery they need for their business applications…and at a price their business can afford. That’s where the MapSavvy.com web map service steps in.
MapSavvy Helps Level the Playing Field for Small Businesses That Need Aerial Imagery
Many small business owners know that technology tools exist to help them improve operations…but some of these business software offerings are just too darn expensive for small businesses. When this occurs, small businesses are essentially locked out of functions & software tools that big businesses are using to gain a competitive advantage, save money, and/or improve profitibility.
This common scenario lead to the development of OnTerra Systems, and its mission:
Provide small & mid-sized businesses with access to traditionally expensive web mapping technologies & help level the playing field so they can compete more effectively with larger companies.
As a result, OnTerra Systems created MapSavvy.com – and priced it so that small businesses could afford access to up-to-date aerial imagery that large businesses use to make strategic decisions, communicate their plans & projects, and more.
MapSavvy: The Most Affordable Web Mapping for Small Businesses
MapSavvy is ideal for offering web mapping aerial imagery for small businesses because it costs half of what many web map services are charging, and offers some of the most up-to-date imagery on the market.
So what does MapSavvy cost?…a flat annual fee of $500. For that $500, small businesseses can access thousands of aerial images…as close as the city in which they do business, or the far reaches of the globe. Imagery from MapSavvy comes from Bing Maps – and the Bing Maps team has been particularly busy in the last year and a half. They have updated close to 200,000 square miles of imagery, with more fresh new imagery updates coming on line each month.
- Whether you’re an architect using imagery to show the public where the proposed structure would be built;
- Whether you’re an emergency management planner looking at how terrain has changed to help plan wildfire fighting strategies;
- Whether you’re a climate change scientist looking to compare historic terrain images with what’s going on right now…
- Whether you’re a small business using aerial imagery incorporated into CAD drawings…the bottom line is that the PRICE of aerial imagery access shouldn’t lock you out as a modestly sized enterprise.
To learn more about how to choose the right aerial imagery service for your small business, check out the MapSavvy Web Map Service Buying Guide.
Or try the MapSavvy Free Trial & see for yourself how MapSavvy Web Mapping for small business provides the best source of affordable aerial imagery for your business, research team, or government agency.